「空地」展は、伊丹市が所有する重要文化財 旧岡田家住宅 酒蔵で行われた。500年とも600とも言われる歴史ある酒蔵の重厚感のある空間に、複数のテグスを使ってハリガネ作品が浮遊するように展示。虚空をテーマに、四角にくり抜かれた頭部を持つ植物をまとった人体など7点を展示した。刻々と変化する照明デザインを筆谷亮也が担当した。
The exhibition “Vacant land” was held at the sake brewery of the former Okada family residence, an important cultural property owned by Itami City, and was displayed in the massive space of the historical sake brewery, which is said to be 500 or 600 years old. Under the theme of emptiness, seven works were exhibited, including a human body clad in plants with a head hollowed out into a square. The ever-changing lighting design was done by Ryoya Hutiya.